The Sleeper and the Bust Episode: 955 – Five Fade Pitchers for the 2H


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Approximately 35 minutes of joyous analysis.

Paul is the Editor of Rotographs and Content Director for OOTP Perfect Team. Follow Paul on Twitter @sporer and on Twitch at sporer.

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3 years ago

Peralta had 120 IP in 2017 and 141 IP in 2018 between the minors and majors. I have a hard time believing that now that they are in the hunt (really in the driver’s seat) and probably need to win their division given both Wild Cards are probably going to go NL West, they are going to completely pull the plug on any of their big 3. They need those guys.

casey jMember since 2019
3 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Id have to agree with you there, and he’s been absolutely sensational. I’ll admit I am biased though. Freddy has been a find, and all along the path all I have heard from prospect analysts and fantasy analysts is reasons why he wouldn’t be good.. and now he’s even better. No disrespect to Paul, hey he could be right, but I’ll bet on Freddy.

3 years ago
Reply to  Paul Sporer

No worries on missing 2018. I’m heavily biased as a Peralta holder so take it for what it’s worth but unless they run away with it, I have a hard time seeing them totally bench him a la Strasburg back whenever. I can absolutely see either shortened starts or a phantom IL stint in which case I can just put him on the IL and deal with it