RotoGraphs Audio: The Sleeper and the Bust 6/20/13

Episode 28
Today’s episode of The Sleeper and the Bust stars yours truly and features RotoGraphs editor Eno Sarris. We discuss a trio of disappointing upper echelon starting pitchers and a pair of hitters trending in the opposite direction.

Don’t hesitate to direct pod-related correspondence to @mikepodhorzer or @enosarris on Twitter and tweet us any fantasy questions you have that we may answer on our next episode.

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or via the feed.

Intro by DJ Sinton (no, contrary to popular belief, I do not moonlight as a rap star)

Approximately 46 min of joyous analysis.

Mike Podhorzer is the 2015 Fantasy Sports Writers Association Baseball Writer of the Year and three-time Tout Wars champion. He is the author of the eBook Projecting X 2.0: How to Forecast Baseball Player Performance, which teaches you how to project players yourself. Follow Mike on X@MikePodhorzer and contact him via email.

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MigsMember since 2020
11 years ago

Thanks for talking about Greinke. I was the one who was tweeting to you about him, Eno.

I wrote an article on him and maybe I should have put more blame on the collarbone for his issues. I just find it odd he has totally given up his slider his last 3 starts. Granted a cutter is similar, but it may put less stress on his elbow, plus it hasn’t been that effective so far for him. And I don’t really see the velocity trending upward too much just yet. And Greinke’s release point is lower this season when compared to 2009. You can compare that to Roy Halladay’s release points of 2009 and 2013.

However, I did buy low on Greinke knowing these issues, so I agree with you there, Eno. And most of that is based on his upside and because the swinging strike% still looks good. Although he is giving up a ton of line drives.

Like I said in the tweet to you, it is difficult to predict injury/rapid decline, but I think I would consider moving Greinke in dynasty leagues while he still has some value. Even if you are a year early on trading him, it is better than being a year late. Is a 2015 prediction for a Greinke demise not bold? Haha.

Anyway, great podcast as usual fellas. Thanks.